Sunday, July 22, 2012

Ethical Standard Guaranteed to Fix the Economy

Two options for job creation:

1) Higher government spending and taxes:

2) Working less so companies can hire more:

If you do not take a minute to sign either one, or both, of these petitions, you are unethical, immoral, or colloquially, "evil". This is completely legal of course.

Anyone who benefits by association with someone who has not signed either of these petitions is also "evil".

A brief description of how to encourage people to work less for those unfamiliar with the concept:

The first 20 hours are paid at 1.2 times the normal hourly rate for full-time work.

Work beyond 20 hours in a single week is paid at 0.8 times the normal hourly rate.

In the event neither petition receives enough signatures to earn a response, we can conclude that everyone else in the United States is "evil" and people should be made aware of this so the unemployed and poor do not keep hoping for a peaceful resolution to their problems and intelligent people do not feel they need to look for one.

A thank you to Yoko Ono for allowing comments to be published on her site.

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