Monday, September 10, 2012

Info post

(Random Youtube videos:
It's always only males represented in the demographics... don't know why ._.)

Long-term strategy for change would probably be based on the idea of deliberately reducing government tax revenues and spending. Working less means paying fewer taxes. Takes advantage of perception of government corruption and involvement of money with politics; less spending means less corruption. If done through OWS, would allow working with Tea Party instead of popular perception of organizations with opposing ideologies.

Incidentally, also gives people within the system an excuse for their failure: corruption is the problem as deceptive intentions, no need to point out shortfalls in capabilities by anyone.

(Alternately, "since both government and private industry could not think of ways to productively spend money, deficit spending minimizes the wasteful spending needed by government to create a certain number of jobs by allowing rich people to wastefully spend instead." Just a restatement of non-zero effect of lowering taxes though.)

Links that were worth bookmarking:

There were some pretty pictures of inflation in various categories but nothing really new. It is worth pointing out that inflation in things like health care and college tuition are a direct result of inequality and large amounts of money entering the economy, and hoping that wages will go up without a simultaneous rise in interest rates on debt is too simple of a view.

Notes (just restatement at this point, the first would be using lower inflation as an argument for working less due to externalities from imperfect price discrimination):
inflation based directly on price changes. consumer sensitivity to prices, both at 'high' and 'low' ends.

the 'debt borrowed from foreign countries' idea allowed to remain despite incorrect because more money going to the rich (not removed through taxes) means more consumption and jobs.

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