Thursday, July 30, 2020

What I think needs to happen

If it matters what Sherine says, thinks or does, she needs to decide whether she's completely confident that she doesn't want me to die. If she's just 90% confident, I think it's better if I just die, and it seems like I can't expect anything to happen before that. It's a risk for someone to admit that they like me, and I wouldn't want or expect them to take that risk if there's a 10% chance that it would ruin their life.

So, Sherine: think back to the Boston bombing. You said you spent that day in front of the television, watching stuff and maybe doing stuff online. I don't know how you felt then. I might be wrong and it's unconnected, but if Dzhokhar and Tamerlan did know of this idea, and the bombing wouldn't have happened if I had done nothing, or if I had simply stopped at the end of 2012 when all the petitions expired, then what would you want to happen to me?

I can't really imagine myself wanting someone to die. But that could be a fault. I always wondered, what if I had gotten into a combat situation while in the military, like my instructors at the United States Army Intelligence Center in Fort Huachuca, Arizona, tried to prepare us for by having us practice 'walking tactically' on a short stretch of unpaved terrain on the way to class?,-110.3431482,206m/data=!3m1!1e3

If someone was pointing a gun in the general direction of other people on the same team as me who were under cover, would I have tried to shoot that person? If my gun was pointing at them and I could see them in my iron sights, would I have pressed the trigger? Or would I have just let other people shoot at each other, even if it meant someone on my team, or I, might die? Not having any desire to kill other people might be a bad thing.

If it doesn't matter what Sherine thinks, then it doesn't matter whether she wants me to die since she and I will never talk to each other again, if it could be said that we ever talked to each other at all.

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