Saturday, August 8, 2020

Doesn't afraid

Since it's Sherine's birthday (in Canada) I'll say happy birthday.

I'm not doing any of the things I planned to do once online:

third young master, poi ; beccatilts; reckless; head in wastebasket case ;  corps

In the anime show Angel Beats! (2009), a character vanishes after she does something she always wanted to do: play music on a stage. Another character has always wanted to catch a baseball that was hit by a player during a baseball game, but just as he is about to do this, he is tackled by another character and prevented from reaching this goal.

I don't know if it's relevant since I don't know what she's doing in her life or whether she has died, but I think at one point 'Person A' was using the character who tackled the other character as her avatar.

I do think this pattern appears in life. After someone accomplishes some goal, they 'vanish'. For me, I thought for a while this goal could be meeting 'Person A', but it could also be people using the idea described on this site.

But it doesn't matter. As written in Sun Tzu's Art of War, having too great of a desire to stay alive can be as harmful as wishing for death. If there's anyone who could get people to use the idea who isn't doing so because they think it would cause me to 'vanish', I apologize to anyone who is affected by this inaction, such as everyone who has died from the novel coronavirus outside of China or the millions of people, both children and adults, at risk of starvation in Yemen. It is my fault, and you should blame me.

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